Google Voice is an incredibly useful service, offering numbers from nearly every area code in the US.
It is possible to search for a Google Voice number in their database by area or zip code. You can also enter a word or phrase you’d like to include in the number (exploiting the mnemonic format) from within the Google interface, and a convenient dialog box will show you available numbers that match your criteria.

Hackers don’t like limited graphical interfaces. We would love to use regular expressions to find interesting numbers. Our way.
What if we wanted to search for Google Voice numbers with only a limited number of unique digits? Or a palindrome number? Or a binary number, made of just zeroes and ones? The little fancy Google dialog won’t help.
We need to grep!
Greatly inspired by an old blog post, by Privacy Logs, I created a quick and dirty bash script that queries Google for available area codes, then downloads (most of) available numbers, and finally grep’s the hell of out them, finding cool numbers.
Example of cool preset regexes:
- numbers in pairs
- digit repeated at least three times
- various toggles
- palindromes
format- binary numbers
- 1337 numbers
You just have to put your Google cookies (simply copy the HTTP header Cookie: <content>
when visiting
as logged in user into the COOKIES="<content>"
variable in the script). You can view cookies with the browser Inspector (for example, in Chrome, use the Network tab) or a Firefox plugin such as Live HTTP headers. Cookies are separated by a semicolon and a space, like this: COOKIES="gv=content1; PREF=content2"
. Mandatory cookies are gv, PREF, SSID
, but you can just copy them all in the variable - it won’t hurt.
Of course, this is just a dirty hack, and a quick Go or Python program can perform much better, maybe making use of multithreading.
Here’s the code (also on Github!):
# Add your cookies here
rm -f areacodes || true
touch areacodes
rm -f numbers || true
touch numbers
# Get area codes
curl -ks --cookie "$COOKIES" "${URL}?ac=[201-999]&start=0&country=US" | grep -ho "+1[0-9]\{3\}" | cut -b3-5 | sort -u >> areacodes
# Get numbers (BFS on digits)
for AREACODE in `cat areacodes`; do
printf "${AREACODE}0000000\n" > numbers
printf "Area code: $AREACODE\n";
echo -n "Progress: 1%... ";
cut -b1-3 numbers | sort -u | \
(while read LINE; do CURL_URL="${URL}?ac=${LINE:0:3}&q=$LINE[0-9]&start=0"; curl -ks --cookie "$COOKIES" "$CURL_URL"; done) | \
grep -ho '[0-9]\{10\}' | sort -u >> numbers
echo -n "10%... ";
cut -b1-4 numbers | sort -u | \
(while read LINE; do CURL_URL="${URL}?ac=${LINE:0:3}&q=$LINE[0-9]&start=0"; curl -ks --cookie "$COOKIES" "$CURL_URL"; done) | \
grep -ho '[0-9]\{10\}' | sort -u >> numbers
echo -n "20%... ";
cut -b1-5 numbers | sort -u | \
(while read LINE; do CURL_URL="${URL}?ac=${LINE:0:3}&q=$LINE[0-9]&start=0"; curl -ks --cookie "$COOKIES" "$CURL_URL"; done) | \
grep -ho '[0-9]\{10\}' | sort -u >> numbers
echo -n "42%... ";
cut -b1-6 numbers | sort -u | \
(while read LINE; do CURL_URL="${URL}?ac=${LINE:0:3}&q=$LINE[0-9]&start=0"; curl -ks --cookie "$COOKIES" "$CURL_URL"; done) | \
grep -ho '[0-9]\{10\}' | sort -u >> numbers
echo -n "60%... ";
cut -b1-7 numbers | sort -u | \
(while read LINE; do CURL_URL="${URL}?ac=${LINE:0:3}&q=$LINE[0-9]&start=0"; curl -ks --cookie "$COOKIES" "$CURL_URL"; done) | \
grep -ho '[0-9]\{10\}' | sort -u >> numbers
echo -n "80%... ";
cut -b1-8 numbers | sort -u | \
(while read LINE; do CURL_URL="${URL}?ac=${LINE:0:3}&q=$LINE[0-9]&start=0"; curl -ks --cookie "$COOKIES" "$CURL_URL"; done) | \
grep -ho '[0-9]\{10\}' | sort -u >> numbers
echo -n "94%... ";
cut -b1-8 numbers | sort -u | \
(while read LINE; do CURL_URL="${URL}?ac=${LINE:0:3}&q=$LINE[0-9]&start=5"; curl -ks --cookie "$COOKIES" "$CURL_URL"; done) | \
grep -ho '[0-9]\{10\}' | sort -u >> numbers
echo "Done.";
sort -u numbers > $AREACODE;
# Find interesting numbers
mkdir results || true
rm -f all || true
for AREACODE in `cat areacodes`; do
cat $AREACODE | grep -v "${AREACODE}0000000" >> all;
grep "\([0-9]\)\1.*\([0-9]\)\2.*\([0-9]\)\3" all > results/pairs
grep "\([0-9]\)\1\{3\}" all > results/repetitions
grep "\([0-9]\)\([0-9]\)\([0-9]\)\([0-9]\).?\4\3\2\1" all > results/palindromes
grep "\([0-9]\)\([0-9]\)\1\2\1\2" all > results/toggle
grep "\([0-9]\)\([0-9]\)\1\2.*\([0-9]\)\([0-9]\)\3\4\3" all >> results/toggle
grep "\([0-9]\)\([0-9]\)\(\1|\2\)\{4\}" all > results/twodigits
grep "\([0-9]\)\([0-9]\)\1\2\1.*\([0-9]\)\([0-9]\)\3\4\3" all > results/ABABACDCDC
grep "\([0-9]\)\1.*\([0-9]\)\2.*\([0-9]\)\3" all > results/tripledouble
grep "[0-9][0-9][0-9]\([01]\)\([01]\)\([01]\)\([01]\)\([01]\)\([01]\)\([01]\)" all > results/binary
grep "[0-9]*1337[0-9]*" all > results/1337
grep "[0-9]*1337$" all > results/1337_end
rm -f all
Enjoy, and feel free to comment! :)